Female founders looking to build a million euro business will find lots of how to's in my first book, De vrouw van 1 miljoen. It was first published in October 2021 and is now in its third print.
It offers a roadmap to move from a still chaotic and unstructured small business to a better planned and led growth business.
"I am what you would call a late "daredevil". After a corporate career, mainly as a consultant/interim manager, I left the comfort zone of trading time for money ... at the age of 50. I entered unknown territory on several levels such as starting a 'real' company in a sector that I only knew as a consumer. The idea for my company stemmed, as is often the case, from a frustration I experienced for which I saw a solution. After three years I sold my 'baby' and started researching the reasons why so many female founded businesses remain (too) small, are slow(er) in hiring staff and lack funding. I discovered that less than one out of ten female founders ever hit 1 million euro in revenues. More than half never achieve 100.000 euro. My research gave rise to a number of initiatives: a female-only accelerator programme (in collaboration with UCLL, a book 'De vrouw van 1 miljoen (The 1 Million Euro Woman) and a new company with the same name, all aimed at helping female entrepreneurs to build multimillion euro businesses.
What is keeping me busy? (More detail via LinkedIn)
I enjoy talking to female, male and non-binary founders about the levers and barriers they experience on their path to that first (magical) milestone of 1 million euro in revenues.
A 'keynote' can take many forms:
A lecture that leads to an interactive discussion or question & answer session.
A tailor-made workshop based on questions submitted in advance.
A round table where we share experiences and opinions on both sides.
A podcast interview/conversation.
Coming up next...
25/09 Tweespraak (podcast)
16/10 Ondernemerspraat (podcast)
Fall '24 De Soroptimist (date tbc) (Knokke)
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Ben's Mentors | Ben De Coninck (07/02/2024)
The Marketing Memo | Veronika Zonova (03/01/2024)
Heart Rocking Organisations | Kelly Van Meldert (22/08/2023)
50 Koffies | Nadia El Makhfi & Yana Smits (06/03/2023)
Buspraat | Joris Evens (18/11/2022)
Boektopia | Sarah Vankersschaever (3/11/2022)
The Connectique | Julie De Laet (19/8/2022)
A-typisch ondernemen | Annelies Delmoitié (5/8/2022)
Onderweg met Phebe D'Hondt (12/4/2022)
The [Female] Shift | Lynn Mikolajczak (8/2/2022)
Connexi | Bert Vandebuerie (15/10/21)