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Female founders looking to build a million euro business will find lots of how to's in my first book, De vrouw van 1 miljoen. It was first published in October 2021 and is now in its third print

It offers a roadmap to move from a still chaotic and unstructured small business  to a better planned and led growth business.
the book
a keynote

"I am what you would call a late "daredevil". After a corporate career, mainly as a consultant/interim manager, I left the comfort zone of trading time for money ... at the age of 50. I entered unknown territory on several levels such as starting a 'real' company in a sector that I only knew as a consumer. The idea for my company stemmed, as is often the case, from a frustration I experienced for which I saw a solution. After three years I sold my 'baby' and started researching the reasons why so many female founded businesses remain (too) small, are slow(er) in hiring staff and lack funding. I discovered that less than one out of ten female founders ever hit 1 million euro in revenues. More than half never achieve 100.000 euro. My research gave rise to a number of initiatives: a female-only accelerator programme (in collaboration with UCLL, a book 'De vrouw van 1 miljoen (The 1 Million Euro Woman) and a new company with the same name, all aimed at helping female entrepreneurs to build multimillion euro businesses. 


What is keeping me busy? (More detail via LinkedIn)

  • Founder and author De vrouw van 1 miljoen

  • Lecturer and researcher Hogeschool UCLL

  • Business coach Vlerick KMO Excellence programme

  • Member of the Board of Advisors at Okono and ID Phar

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Growth guide for
female founders

I am targeting female entrepreneurs who have the ambition to scale to a 1 million euro in revenues and more, but who are looking for the right levers and ways to deal with their barriers to growth in order to reach that first milestone.

What readers say ...

“I recognize my entrepreneurial and life motto 'Dream, Dare, Do' in Véronique’s book. She offers a very pragmatic interpretation to it. Addressing a concrete dream (1 million euro in revenues) and very familiar barriers that often stand in the way of (female) entrepreneurs who dare and act. With these tips and insights based on how female founders run their companies and the struggles they face, this milestone suddenly seems a lot more feasible.”

Conny Vandendriessche
Serial entrepreneur & investor

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I enjoy talking to female, male and non-binary founders about the levers and barriers they experience on their path to that first (magical) milestone of 1 million euro in revenues.


A 'keynote' can take many forms:


  • A lecture that leads to an interactive discussion or question & answer session.

  • A tailor-made workshop based on questions submitted in advance.

  • A round table where we share experiences and opinions on both sides.

  • A podcast interview/conversation.


Coming up next...



Would you like to listen to some previous podcasts?


  • Ben's Mentors | Ben De Coninck (07/02/2024)

  • The Marketing Memo | Veronika Zonova (03/01/2024)

  • Heart Rocking Organisations | Kelly Van Meldert (22/08/2023)

  • 50 Koffies | Nadia El Makhfi & Yana Smits (06/03/2023)

  • Buspraat | Joris Evens (18/11/2022)

  • Boektopia | Sarah Vankersschaever (3/11/2022)

  • The Connectique | Julie De Laet (19/8/2022)

  • A-typisch ondernemen | Annelies Delmoitié (5/8/2022)

  • Onderweg met Phebe D'Hondt (12/4/2022)

  • The [Female] Shift | Lynn Mikolajczak  (8/2/2022)

  • Connexi | Bert Vandebuerie (15/10/21)

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